This report can be filed through the OSS system. It covers the realization of capital investment, employment absorption, production of goods/services, and company obligations. In broad terms, it is a report on operational and construction costs.

Investment Activity Report (LKPM)
LKPM (Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal) is a report that businesses in Indonesia need to submit regularly to the government to inform about their investment activities. The reporting period for LKPM is every three months, namely:
- Reporting from 1st to 10th of April
- Reporting from 1st to 10th of July
- Reporting from 1st to 10th of October
- Reporting from 1st to 10th of January of the following year
- IDR 2,000,000/report –Regular 14 business days processing time
With this report, you CAN
- Report all investment activities, including capital expenditure, land acquisition, machinery purchases, and construction projects.
- Provide updates on the status of ongoing projects and any changes in the investment plan.
- Include information about the number of employees, both local and foreign, hired during the reporting period.
With this report, you CAN NOT
- Miss the submission deadlines. Reports must be submitted on time to avoid dis-active of the company
- 3 months
Document Requirements
- Finance report (Report on the amount of capital or expenses already realized for company development)