This is the process of updating or changing your registered address with the local immigration office.
Address Mutation
Same immigration office (Jakarta area)
- IDR 1.500.000– Regular 14 business days processing time.
- IDR 1.850.000– Priority 7 business days processing time.
To other immigration office (Jakarta area)
- IDR 2.000.000– Regular 14 business days processing time.
- IDR 2.500.000– Priority 7 business days processing time.
Same immigration office (Bali area)
- IDR 500.000– Regular 14 business days processing time.
- IDR 850.000– Priority 7 business days processing time.
To other immigration office (Bali area)
- IDR 1.000.000– Regular 14 business days processing time.
- IDR 1.500.000– Priority 7 business days processing time.
Document Requirements
- Azra Solusi application form.
- Scan of Passport
- KITAS (Limited Stay Permit) copy.
- Domicile letter